Custom objects loaded from .scn files can be placed in folders. Within these folders, a file with the name .metaversefile is used as the starting point for a custom object app. A simple .metaversefile looks like this:

	"start_url": "index.js"

.metaversefile Breakdown

Elements in a .metaversefile can have the following types:

<aside> 💡 If hosting on GitHub, a GitHub Pages site is the preferred method as referencing the direct GH file download URL can cause problems. To enable GH Pages for your repo: go to the settings for your repo and in Pages section, enable Pages. For more information: GitHub Pages Documentation


Example folder structure of a complex object



When hosting objects on GitHub Pages, Jekyll processes files or directories starting with underscores as special resources and does not copy them to the final site. It is now possible to completely bypass Jekyll processing by creating a file named .nojekyll in the root of your repo.